Earlier this month, I joined 1,800 young people from 190 different countries and we descended on the International City for Peace and Justice (The Hague). A city that was created more than 100 years ago with the mission to combat Inter-state disputes by peaceful means, because if we know anything about war and violence we know those who will suffer the greatest, will be those who are the littlest and who have the least... often times, just to protect the egos of men. So it’s only fitting that leaders from the millennial generation (who some could consider the descendants of too much war and not enough peace) have arrived with similar hope and determination to ensure that future generations, won't have to survive the consequences of war, sexual violence, famine, homelessness, slavery, and oppression.
During my time at the summit, I was able to both meet some amazing youth leaders and interview David Sprouls (CEO, Deloitte North-West Europe, and the UK), where we addressed the role of the business community to create space and opportunities for young people to fully participate in society -- as active members and not simply bystanders. We also addressed what it meant for business to honor the lived experiences of young people without tokenizing or fetishizing their trauma. To see more from our session, watch the video below.
I can only hope, that through the stories of trauma and success shared by the delegates, politicians, business industry leaders, will understand that young people don’t need a voice. What we need is access to our rightful place in the process to make transformative change in our lives and communities. What we are demanding, is for governments, world leaders and businesses to put people, plant and social impact over profit.
We’re a long way from transforming the business community to value people more than profit but there is a shift happening, largely due to the fact that millennials and GenZs are requiring more from the people and entities that want to hire and sell to us. #OYW2018
I team up with Target, Vital Voices and five other global women leaders for the “A New Day + Vital Voices” capsule collection. Using our lived experiences and work to design a limited collection for women ready and willing to create change. #ad
To learn more about the partnership and where to buy the collection, please visit HERE
“Through the A New Day + Vital Voices partnership, we hope to showcase the incredible work of Vital Voices while empowering and celebrating our guests,” said Michelle Mesenburg, senior vice president, marketing, Target. “It gave us the opportunity to think about collaborations differently, and how we pair the great design of one of our popular owned brands with an organization that’s doing incredible work in communities near and far.”
The women who inspired the collection… here are their stories
Watch Here--> YP4
Originally posted via HuffPost
Throughout most of my childhood and into adulthood, I can recall the numerous times people would say, “If you work hard and get a good education you could do and be anything”. Despite the fact I grew up surrounded by broken dreams and misplaced hope, this message has always resonated with me. In an environment where people wore poverty like a coat to protect them from the bitter realities of our community, I wanted something different and knew education would be my lifeline.
As the first of 16 children to graduate high school and college, I’ve seen first hand what the lack of job training can and has done to an individual’s’ ability to feed their family. Even now, more than five years since I graduated college, I stand amongst my peers- the largest youth cohort in history, more than 1.8 billion strong. I know we are lacking the basic skills needed to realize our dreams and the promise spoken of by our parents. Currently, 263 million children and youth are out of school, and millions more aren’t getting the quality education they deserve. That sits as a daunting backdrop to the fact that nearly
So what does this mean for the most digitally connected generation? Who, if current trends continue, are destined to be outsmarted and outworked by automation and technological advancement in the coming decades. Advancement that will usher in exciting innovations and new opportunities for jobs. But without the skills to adapt to the evolving job market, young people will not only be unemployable, businesses will lack the talent necessary to compete in the global economy. Even now, young people are heavily excluded from the job market with nearly 75 million currently unemployed. Coupled with a growing need for “new skills”, that number will continue to rise as technology grows.
Since 2013 the demand for skills has increased all over the world. In Australia, for example, digital skills have increased by more than 200 percent, critical thinking by 150 percent, creativity by more than 60 percent, and presentation skills by 25 percent. These demands reveal the lack of disconnect between the workforce and the classroom, leaving young people to deal with the consequences of an outdated education system. An education system, that still reflects the industrial revolution, that filters young people into assembly lines, while also waging a war on creativity.
“Regardless of where young people are in the world, only they can fully articulate their experience and help provide unique insight to the challenges they face and how to get their peers engaged and motivated to participate.“
Less than a month ago I joined the Global Business Coalition for Education as Head of Youth Engagement and Skills because it is a unique opportunity to combine my two passions – youth development and creating unlikely partnerships for the advancement of young people. These passions are what drive my ambition to help solve this growing employment crisis, one that has already turned many of my friends’ and classmates’ lives upside down. Struggling to pay back student loans at a time where they can’t find a job within their chosen field, disheartened by the sheer number of rejected job applications or turned away because they lack the basic qualifications needed due to the rapidly changing technology advances. Many of the young people I mentor who are yet to enter college are eager to find a part-time job that hasn’t yet been eliminated by a machine or find an employer who’s willing to work with their limited skills. I see it as my duty to make sure these stories aren’t overlooked or forgotten because this is reality and a human centered approach is needed if we are to move education and employability into the 21st century and beyond.
Eliminating Gaps
To address these growing concerns, we must remove the barriers for collaboration and curate a community of practice that allows for the two most impacted populations – job makers (businesses) and the job seekers (youth) – to identify challenges and develop pipelines for youth to access the skills they need to thrive. That can’t be done without first placing young people at the center of change and working with leaders who have the ability to make tangible impact. It’s not enough for leaders to deem a quality education as important, without actually ensuring that education will meet the needs of both the community and the economy.
There is a growing need for business leaders to take a more proactive and authentic approach to youth skills and workforce development that doesn’t leave out the expertise of young people. Regardless of where young people are in the world, only they can fully articulate their experience and help provide unique insight to the challenges they face and how to get their peers engaged and motivated to participate. These are issues that have even larger implications beyond any individual’s employability, they exacerbate a number of social and economic issues, putting into question the sustainability of communities around the world. An investment like this today, can help prevent the world’s largest generation of youth from being unemployed, having poor health, civil unrest, child marriage, exploitation and many other vulnerabilities.
Due to these challenges before us, I’m excited by the “Youth Skills and Innovation Initiative” a partnership between the Global Business Coalition for Education and Intel to forge an unlikely collaboration between the business community and youth leaders. A partnership that will help place young people in the driver’s seat, right along with the business community to hopefully revolutionize workforce development methods that are currently leaving too many beyond – particularly our more marginalized populations.
It’s expected that 15-year-olds today will have more than 17 jobs in five different industries over their lifetime. Let’s help to ensure that the skills they’ll learn will enable lifelong learning, in the pursuit of their dreams and for the betterment of all our communities.
Last month, I had the pleasure of standing beside gun violence advocates from across the country, for the announcement of Google.org $2 million investment -- into reducing gun violence in communities of color. This grant was announced as a part of new national gun violence prevention campaign; aims to accelerate evidence-based prevention in communities heavily impacted by gun violence.
As a consultant with the Community Justice Reform Coalition, some of that funding will allow me to develop and manage the Community Justice Speakers Bureau. A 12-month intergenerational leadership development program, that’ll mentor directly impacted individuals working at the intersection of criminal justice reform and gun violence prevention. The program objectives are to increase the sustainability of the work by training leaders in communities across the country and equipping them with the necessary skills to enable maximum impact in the lives of people everywhere.
Over the course of 12 months, leaders will work side-by-side with leading experts in the areas of criminal justice and gun violence prevention, they’ll participate in online professional development workshops, to help enhance their speaking and advocacy ability. Also, leaders will have numerous opportunities to represent their work on the national stage. We believe that to build strong and safe communities, we first have to build strong leaders and place them at the center of change.