Posts tagged Leadership development
Get Inspired: Target’s A New Day + Vital Voices Collection
Jamira Burleytarget, ad, paid partnership, women, women leadership, education, advocates, activist, social good, social impact, community reform, community building, entrepreneurs, Leadership development, vital voices
The New Jim Crow
Jamira Burleytemple university, Philadelphia, technology, black girls rock, black lives matter, fashion, Political Engagement, policy brutality, police, justice, GOVERNMENT, healthcare, women health, women leadership, youth engagement, international youth day, Leadership development
Teen Vogue: NY Meet Up
Jamira BurleyJAMIRA BURLEY, TEEN VOGUE, EDUCATION, Leadership development, womens march, women health, women leadership, black girls rock, Political Engagement, voting, advocates, youth engagement, youth development
International Youth Day: Take Notice
Jamira Burleyeducation, youth international day, international youth day, united nations, WORKFORCE, world bank, violence prevention, healthcare, women, Leadership development, youth development
Podcast: My sit-down chat with Vital Voices President Alyse Nelson
Jamira BurleyJamira Burley, vital voices, women, health, youth, education, empowerment, POLITICS, genynot, Leadership development, Leaders, south africa, pond, ponds, women leadership
Champion the inner strength of women: To create the world we need