Posts tagged community reform
SDG Advocates in Conversation: Policies to change the world
Jamira BurleySDGS, United nations, global education, global citizen, women leadership, community reform, community development, education, election 2020, youth development, day of the girl, intergenerational
Get Inspired: Target’s A New Day + Vital Voices Collection
Jamira Burleytarget, ad, paid partnership, women, women leadership, education, advocates, activist, social good, social impact, community reform, community building, entrepreneurs, Leadership development, vital voices
YP4: Whats Up Wednesday -- Gun Violence
Jamira Burleyyoung people for, yp4, people for the american way foundation, education, violence prevention, gun violence prevention, violence, community reform, criminal justice reform, social impact, youth development, youth engagement, policy, congress, NRA, EVERYTOWN