A few weeks ago, I served as a panelist and workshop facilitator for the Teen Vogue NY Meet Up, which served as an opportunity to empower and inspire the next generation of women leaders. During the event we addressed topics like salary negotiations, voting, education and diverse representation. I had the pleasure of meeting young women and a few good men from all over the Tri-State area, who after recent political events are looking for ways to get engaged and to utilize their voices for change. The NY Meet Up was one of four events leading up to the national Teen Vogue Summit on December 1-2nd in LA, to learn more: Click Here
Please see below for a few pictures from the NY Meet Up: Photo credit David Vollucci for Teen Vogue/23 Storie
I spoke to @sarahbrownuk about creating change for new #BetterAngels podcast episodes. Listen here below:
Description: Sarah Brown talks to American activists and campaigners Jamira Burley, Michael Gibbons and Michael Silberman about the history of extraordinary campaigns for change in the U.S. and how skill-sharing, and thought leadership are moulding the entire social change field today.